Other Stories

Ev’rywhere you go

This will be brief because I know everyone’s busy.

It’s Tuesday, for goodness’ sake.

Woke up today in a lighter mood. It’s been a tough December this year. Not sure why, except around certain holidays I miss my folks and other lost loved ones more than usual.

Guess it’s not uncommon. Check in with me on Groundhog Day.

Our house is decorated, the stockings are hung, and all of the gifts (and checks to the Amazon children) are written.

So, as I’m lying in bed this morning, petting the dog and thinking about actually getting up, I started singing to Madison:

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas …

She turned to me with those beautiful dark eyes and … licked her alley. As in butt. As in what dogs do, no matter the day or their mood or who’s watching. We could take a lesson from our canines.

I laughed out loud.

Then that little angel lay back down, presumably waiting for the next verse. As her well-trained human, I obliged:

Ev’rywhere you go …

And the thing that will make them ring is the carol that you sing,

Right within your heart.

Dogs. You gotta love ‘em.

For those of you struggling this holiday season, may the day land gently.

I’ll be there with you, hoping to hear some jingle bells, partake in a few bright spirits and do lots of laughing along the way.

Merry Christmas!

Retired print journalist, blogger and Madison’s other mother.❤️🐾


  • RYZ

    Love the tree! As you can imagine, I am just getting around to having time to comment and re-read the whirlwind of what the 2019 holiday season brought us. I am in agreement that the holidays bring a series of high and lows … I am susceptible to them as well. It is amazing, though, how a wag of a tail can warm a heart just when it needs it … and a blog from a friend.;)