Pandemic ‘22

Many happy returns

“Drop your booty down!”

Gosh, how I’ve missed hearing those four words.

Even my miserable failure to drop like the Times Square ball couldn’t stop me from grinning ear to ear.

On Monday, Rebecca and I began our New Year’s resolution early: move more, feel better. As in, shake your booty and anything else that’s required in a Jazzercise workout.

We’re baaaack.

Throughout most of 2020, we continued attending Jazzercise classes online, even during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic. 

At first, we worked out at home, three or four days a week, as in 2019, when we were at our proverbial peak. It felt good to keep up with our classes, despite being cooped up at home and dancing like fools in our living room/dining room with the blinds drawn. Even Maddie found it entertaining.

As months of quarantine isolation and social distancing dragged on and became years, we got lazy and only did it half the time. Then we stopped altogether.

I’m not sure why. Aside from assorted aches and pains, weak knees and irregular beats, our hearts – and minds – were no longer into it. No excuses.

Returning to Jazzercise class is like riding a bike. You don’t forget how to plié, chassé, do the grapevine or (attempt to) drop your booty down. Ever.

So, on that cold December morning, we got our big ‘ol lazy butts up before 8, had coffee and drove 4.5 miles to the new Jazzercise Troy studio inside an ice rink that we had never even seen. Shame on us.

It was like old home week. Welcome back hugs made us feel so loved. Heartfelt greetings. Big smiles. Everyone looked great. Sheila, Susan, Joyce, Janice, Sue, Karen.

Facebook post.

And, of course, Michelle, Jazzercise Troy studio owner and (of course) our favorite instructor. She didn’t miss a beat and beamed from the stage. The room was filled with boundless energy and happy people.

First, we did a half-hour Christmas Stretch session to wake up our tired bodies. It felt good, and I was already sweating. Then the actual class: her annual “Holiday Dance Mix” set.

Reb and I lasted about an hour, drinking plenty of water and stopping to rest. Several times. Random observation: I still sweat buckets.

My Apple Watch was nearly apoplectic wondering WTH was happening to my heart rate. But I was fine. I walked out of there with 3,000 steps under my belt — and it wasn’t even noon.

Michelle said it best in a Facebook post later that day:

“I had the BEST morning at Troy Jazz! I love my annual Christmas set and got to add a Christmas Stretch this year! WE had a FULL HOUSE! The faces on that dance studio floor today – I so needed you all! Thank you for joining me! Even the surprise visit from Rebecca Smith and Jennifer John!”

No, we should be thanking you.

We’re grateful and so glad to be back in the fold. Many happy returns, my friends.

And Happy New Year!

Retired print journalist, blogger and Madison’s other mother.❤️🐾