Heart Valve Journal

Phase III and me

When my new cardiac rehab friend Jan started Troy Beaumont’s Phase III program, George W. Bush was U.S. president — in his first term.

That was in 2004 — 14 years ago! — and aside from a few minor health issues, Jan hasn’t stopped exercising since. The Clarkston, Mich., resident says cardiac rehab keeps her mind and body strong and healthy, plus moving around beats sitting around at home.

At the Troy, Mich., facility, Phase III cardiac rehabilitation includes a group-based, medically supervised exercise program, up to five days per week for one hour. Patients pay a nominal monthly fee not typically covered by insurance.

Additional Phase III activities include balance and flexibility sessions, chair yoga, weekly educational lectures, and stress reduction and weight management.

You’re usually ready to start Phase III cardiac rehab when your vital signs, such as heart rate and blood pressure, remain stable as you increase your workout activity. I recently resumed twice weekly low-impact Jazzercise classes.

I’m ready for more.

On Nov. 28, I started Phase III, after completing Phase II’s maximum 36 visits at Troy Beaumont Hospital. Some of the same exercise physiologists also work at Phase III, so it felt like old home week.

At each session, you weigh yourself and check your resting heart rate and pulse oxygen percentage. They monitor your blood pressure weekly. In addition, your EKG is monitored monthly.

As with Phase II, I’m probably the youngest person at Phase III. But being called “kid” never gets old when you’re pushing 60.

After more than two weeks off and feeling the remnants of Thanksgiving gluttony, I began my first Phase III session on the Biodex machine, where I had left off: level 12 difficulty for 20 minutes.

Man, could I feel the resistance.

Then I walked on the treadmill at the same elevation and speed as graduation day: level 3.0 grade at 3.1 mph. Boy, that pace seemed fast! About 15 minutes into it, sweating buckets, I decreased to 2.9 mph for another five minutes.

Stick a fork in her. She’s done.

I’m pleased to report that a spot in the 9:30 a.m. session opened up just in time for me to fill it today. I’ll be back with bells on this Monday.

Mornings are much better than going to work out at 2:30 in the afternoon, since I’ve been known to take a detour and end up at Trader Joe’s.

Have a great weekend!❤️

(Copyright 2018)

Retired print journalist, blogger and Madison’s other mother.❤️🐾
