• Other Stories

    GUEST BLOG: Sorting things out

    My women friends – a.k.a., the Ladies of a Certain Age – are doing something we wish our parents had done.    About 15 years ago, my cousin, Joan, gave me some advice. Her mother, my Aunt Phyllis, had just passed away.    “Do your kids a favor,” Joan said. “Get rid of stuff before you die.” She was sorting through her mother’s possessions – things that Aunt Phyllis had acquired and kept for decades.   We, the LOACA, are divesting.    We’re getting rid of stuff. Stuff we don’t use. Stuff we don’t need. Stuff we’ll never dredge up or re-purpose or refurbish. Broken stuff, out-of-date, worn out, unfashionable stuff. Things we once treasured, but after we’re…